How Our Balance Care Experts Can Help

Balance and
Vestibular Testing
Hearing and balance are interrelated because both are controlled within the inner ear. Difficulties with balance, vertigo, and/or various forms of disequilibrium are conditions our audiologists understand. Working closely with our ENT doctors, we are able to pinpoint the cause and provide the best treatment options to fit your specific needs.
Among our hallmark diagnostic testing for our dizzy and gait challenged patients are top-level technologies such as electrocochelography (ECochG), auditory brainstem response (ABR), videonystagmography (VNG), computerized dynamic posturography (CDP), and computerized rotational chair testing.

Computerized Rotary Chair
Identifying whether vertigo or dizziness is due to a disorder of the inner ear or related to something in the brain is the objective of the computerized rotary chair we use for testing. The test is able to determine whether both inner ears are impaired at the same time or if the issue is unique to only one ear, which is an essential element in identifying the cause of vertigo.
The test includes sitting in a motorized chair designed to swivel from side to side at a controlled rate. There are three aspects of rotary chair testing being observed during the test, including:
• measuring the severity of your dizziness,
• optokinetic testing to measures dizziness caused by the viewing of moving stripes,
• fixation testing to measure nystagmus related to rotation.
Scottsdale ENT is one of only four balance centers in the entire state of Arizona with this this advanced form of testing available.

Computerized Dynamic Posturography
To evaluate how well you are able to use your inner ears, eyes, and the body’s muscles and joints to maintain your balance, we make use of computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) testing.
Patients are asked to stand on a force-sensing support surface within a moveable visual surround during CDP testing. As you are exposed to various conditions during the test, we are able to determine the source of your balance problems.

Download YOUR balance testing instructions (PDF)
Before having your balance tested, there are specific preparations our patients need to make ahead of time in order to be prepared. The document explains what you must do at various intervals before your test as well as what you can expect to experience during the testing process. If you are scheduled for a balance test, please download our “Balance Test Instructions” PDF by clicking the button below.
Schedule An Appointment
Our highly experienced and friendly team is ready to assess your hearing and identify the reason for your imbalance.
To make an appointment you can call us at (480) 684-1080 or you can simply complete the form on this page and one of our friendly team members will be in touch.
Patient Resources
The latest news, technological breakthroughs, and patient resources available from the experts at Scottsdale Ear, Nose & Throat.